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Artown's 24th Annual Art Paws 

Sunday, July 21st 9:00am to 2:00pm

McKinley Arts & Culture Center, Reno


9:00 - Park Opens!


9:30am - Reno Police Department Demonstration

10:15am - Outkast K9 PSA Demonstration

11:00 - Best Trick Contest

11:30 - Look A Like Contest 

*Winners get bragging rights and photos on social media*


Available at the Art Paws Information Booth N/W side of the park​   

Purchase Raffle Tickets - 70/30 CASH RAFFLE

Entries from 9:00 - 12:00 Drawn at 12:15


Silent Auctions bidding starts – Auction begins at 9:00 AM and closes at 12:00 PM

* Art Paws Merch! Sold Here*

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“BONE”FIED Beer Garden Opens! 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Beer tickets 3/$5.00 – 1 ticket per 4oz. tasting or 3 tickets for a full beer



Line- up coming soon!

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